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Word games

By | Top tips

My nine year old daughter and I love playing different word games that we have made up when out and about walking.  We played these long before the big C came into all of our lives.  I thought I’d share three of the games with you in case you might enjoy them too while you are looking for different ways to fill the time.  They offer a nice relaxing idea for homeschooling too, which many of us have taken on at this time.  So, here goes…
The first game we play we have called The Animal Game.  Here, one of us picks a random letter from the alphabet. It’s really important to pick the letter out quickly without thinking any further than this (my daughter always wants me to pick the letter out as she says she can’t help but think ahead of the answer).  Then, the first person who comes up with an animal that begins with that letter wins that round.  You can pick the same letter more than once, BUT, you have to come up with a new animal each time a letter is repeated.  You can of course have other things as the theme for this game too.  Yesterday, I said let’s do it with flowers. Little Wise Junior said, ‘Nooooo, I hardly know any flowers’.  I persuaded her to give it a go and she surprised herself at how many flowers she did actually know.
Another game we play we have called The Letter Game.  Here, one of us picks a letter and the other person has to come up with a certain number of things they can see during the walk that begin with that letter.  The rule is that both players must be able to see the words they choose, and they have to be nouns (a person, place or thing) rather than an adjective (a describing word).  We usually go for around five words with each letter, but we tweak this a bit depending on how well used the letter is.
The final game I’d love to share with you we have called Speed Letters.  Here, one of you chooses a letter, and then the other person has to come up with as many words as they can within a minute that begin with that letter.  We’ve ended up in fits of giggles playing this game when we get all flustered towards the end desperately trying to come up with more words.
I hope that these offer nice relaxed ideas you can use for home learning when heading out together for your next walk. 🙂

Connecting with nature

By | Nature
Britons are missing out on daily doses of connecting with nature. To give an example, new research shows that between 76 – 90% of children say they rarely or never take the time to look up at the moon and the stars, stop to listen to the birds singing, watch the sunrise, or take the time to smell wild flowers.
While many children and adults are deeply concerned about the future of the natural world, they don’t always connect to it. If people fall in love with nature they’ll be more likely to look after it. Not only this, but having the opportunity to connect with nature also benefits our well-being.
In light of these findings, it is fantastic that the National Trust has launched a campaign to encourage everyone to notice the beauty of the world around them.  This includes a weekly guide to noticing nature. As the National Trust say:
“Spending time in nature not only boosts our connection to the natural world it also helps our well-being. Whether you spend 20 seconds or 20 minutes in nature, you can easily make it part of your daily routine. From looking up at the trees to walking barefoot in the grass, we’ve got a beautifully illustrated guide full of ideas to get you started.”
You can read more about this fantastic campaign and download the weekly guide here.
 ☀? ⭐️????

The benefits of Kindness

By | Kindness


There are so many benefits to being kind.  Here are just a few…

Researchers have illustrated that kindness may be contagious, and that people are more likely to do kind acts when they see others being kind as well.  What a wonderful potential domino effect when a crowd witnesses an act of kindness.

When we witness an act of kindness it may produce a hormone called oxytocin which can aid in lowering blood pressure and improving heart health.  Oxytocin can also improve our self-esteem and optimism.

Research shows that being kind can make you happy, particularly when kindness is practised consistently

Studies have shown that people can feel stronger and more energetic after helping others.

Engaging in actions of kindness can produce the brain’s natural painkiller, endorphins.

Kindness helps to reduce the emotional barrier between two people and helps people to be more open and bonded with each other.

People aged 55 and over who volunteer for two or more organisations have an impressive 44% lower likelihood of dying early.  This is after sifting out other contributing factors such as physical health, exercise, gender, habits such as smoking, marital status etc.  That’s pretty impressive!

No wonder being kind is cool.  What kind act will you and your little ones be carrying out today?